You wanna hire me soooo bad

Q&A With Me, The Most Hireable Being Ever

Maddy Gross


Hello! If you’re reading this, you’re probably deciding the fate of my employment. I’m so glad you’re reading this writing sample. Did I mention how good your hair looks today? Anyway, as an applicant, I wanted you to know how qualified I am and how much I absolutely love doing jobs and being good at them. Before you hopefully invite me for an interview, here are some quick facts you may want to know.

Q: Tell me about yourself.

A: I’m a copywriter, resume writer/designer, Photoshop wiz, and former employed person who is, like, a huge fan of jobs. I started working at 18 and I haven’t been able to stop getting jobs since! Yes, I do have rent to pay, but I mostly do it for the love of the game.

Q: What’s your greatest strength?

A: Where do I begin? Tasks, skills, assignments — all totally my forte. I can write, I can design, I can win elementary school spelling bees. I’m also super good at developing organizational methods and deciphering strange runes.

Q: What’s your greatest weakness?

A: Tough one. Probably the glowing yellow eye in the middle of my forehead with an arrow indicating you should probably shoot it with an arrow.

Q: What makes you a good fit for this role?

A: I am very small, thus it is easy to fit into places and things. If the printer is ever jammed, there’s a button on my side that should shrink me small enough to get in there and fix it. In a way, this button is also a greatest weakness.

Q: When’s a time in your work experience that you solved a problem?

A: I didn’t have problems because I am a perfect employee. Okay, one time I created a database of what copy for social media and what alternate copy was available. But the main point here is I am a perfect employee who can focus on problem-solving with all three of my eyes.

Q: What is your prior work experience?

A: Listing my experience in order from most to least recent, it goes: video game startup, Comedy Central, magician’s assistant. But the office kind of assistant so the only thing getting cut in half was over-budget spending. I tried to find out how he bends spoons and never learned, but boy did that sharpen my research skills. I’m an expert at reading ancient tomes now.

Q: Why should we hire you?

A: I’m a quick learner, a hard worker, and I have a deep encyclopedic knowledge of The Muppets. I’m for sure a Kermit: green, small, good at finding logical solutions with a bunch of fellow chaotic animals.

Q: What makes you unique from other candidates?

A: I’d have to say my skills, my accomplishments, and my ability to see the fourth dimension. Really adds a whole new level to Google Sheets.

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

A: Five years deep into being very good at a job. I’m already so good at jobs — can you imagine several more years of increasing my ability to have abilities? I hope in five years I’m succeeding, flourishing, and having healthcare. I think I’ll also have evolved gills by then.

Q: Wow, you really are the most hireable being ever. We love you and your skills and abilities. Please work for us.

A: Love you too bestie. See you in the Slack channel 💖



Maddy Gross

Comedian, writer, expert at trying their best. My Twitter is @theirmaddesty, my writing is for @you :)